Sunday, November 13, 2011

Gunpowder, Bacon Grease and Hardcore B.O.

Authentic Civil War reenactors never take a bath, as Tony Horwitz informs us in his "Deep South Diary." Horwitz visits Thursday 11/17 to talk about his new book on abolitionist John Brown's bloody raid on Harper's Ferry.

Horwitz goes off to war with one of the hard-core Civil War reenactors featured in his bestselling book, Confederates in the Attic:

"Rob's Civil War jacket hasn't been washed since last year's hard campaigns. "Gunpowder, bacon grease, coffee grounds," Rob says, sniffing his sleeve. "Mostly, though, it's hardcore B.O."

"What's with the hair?" I ask him. Rob's long black ringlets are shimmery and moist.

"Just gel," he confides. "In the War, soldiers were naturally greasy so they didn't have to do this." More.