Another literary couple shares the stage tonight in Saratoga, Joanna Scott (pictured here) and James Longenbach:
8PM, free and open to the public, Davis Audiorium, Palamountain Hall, 815 North Broadway, Saratoga Springs.
All events in the series are free and open to the general public.
Carol Burns of the
Washington Post writes about her discovery of Joanna Scott in the preface to a 2004 interview:
"I discovered Joanna Scott when I read one of her stories in
The Paris
Review. It was as intricate and complex as a novel, yet as clear as a stone
in water.
Immediately I went to find more of her work: first her story
collection, Various Antidotes, then her novels. She takes on science and
the natural world, both expansively and in miniature. In the opening of The
Manikin, a single owl comes to realizes it must fly south early this year.
In this moment, Scott traces the mystery of instinct." More.
James Longenbach's most recent poetry collection, The Iron Key (2010), received this review in Publishers Weekly:
"James Longenbach (The Art of the Poetic Line) is an incontestably brilliant critic. This fourth book of poetry shares some of the virtues of Longenbach's criticism—the poems are unfalteringly wise and knowledgeable about the poetic tradition. At their best moments, these often narrative poems borrow the haunting logic of distant memories...." More