Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Maureen Dowd: Jerry Brown Then and Now

Maureen Dowd, who visits the Writers Institute this Thursday, March 10, sits down with Jerry Brown to discuss the newly re-elected California Governor's personal journey from angry young man to even-tempered elder statesman in an Op-ed piece that appeared in the New York Times, Saturday, March 5:

“There’s only one game in my life,” he tells me, as we split Southwest Airlines peanuts and a turkey and cheese sandwich in a hotel at the corner of Disneyland Drive and Magic Way, where he has come to address a police convention.

If you want to dish on tiger blood and Adonis DNA, go elsewhere. In the fantastic, monastic world of Jerry Brown, the talk veers toward Wittgenstein, the collapse of the Habsburg Empire and preventing the collapse of the American empire. More.