Friday, December 2, 2011

Ethan Allen Named a "Best Biography" in the WSJ

Carl Rollyson talks up Willard Sterne Randall's Ethan Allen in the Wall Street Journal "Gift Guide: Best of Biography" last month. Randall visits Tuesday, December 6.

"With every publishing season hailing another biography of some already well-documented Founder, it was a pleasure to descend into the trenches of American history with Willard Sterne Randall. His absorbing and comprehensive "Ethan Allen: His Life and Times" (Norton, 617 pages, $35) puts a good deal of flesh on the New England hero who captured the British-held Fort Ticonderoga in May 1775. A spirited man, Allen was, like many of his contemporaries, not averse to profiting from land speculation and accumulating family wealth in ways that allied him as much with the old world as the new. Allen was also notable for his unconventional guerrilla warfare and his searing accounts of his time as a British prisoner of war." WSJ