Karin Smirnoff (pictured here) and her relationship with her
overbearing father, August Strindberg (1849-1912), Swedish playwright and
towering figure of world literature, are the subjects of a new play by theatre
historian Eszter Szalczer. The play will be performed as a staged reading by
seven accomplished local actors. Free and open to the public.
Dramatic Reading of the new play How It Really Happened with
playwright Eszter Szalczer, followed by Q&A with playwright, director and
April 8 (Tuesday) Dramatic Reading – 7:00 p.m. [Note early start time],
Science Library 340, Uptown Campus
Directed by W. Langdon Brown, with cast members Janet Hurley
Kimlicko, Steve Madore, Gary Maggio, Patrick McKenna, Barbara Richards, Eileen Schuyler
and Don Paul Shannon
Whose story is the true story? How can one grasp control of
the narratives of one’s own life? Working on her new book, writer Karin
Smirnoff (1880-1973) struggles to come to terms with her past in an attempt to
challenge the notorious stories of her overbearing father, the world-renowned
author and dramatist August Strindberg.
Eszter Szalczer is a dramaturg, theatre historian, and
scholar of modern drama. Her recent book August Strindberg (2010) focuses on
the Swedish playwright as one of the most radical innovators of the modern
stage. It was when working on her previous book, Writing Daughters: August
Strindberg's Other Voices (Norvik Press 2008) that Eszter became interested in
exploring the creative processes of writing, the role of memory, the fine line
between fiction and non-fiction, and how the same story could be told
differently from several different perspectives.