Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sowing Seed

Watch Seed, Hugo Perez's 15-minute scifi short about America's genetically modified future on ITVS (Independent Television Service).

"The year is 2022. After a decade of world famine and food riots, the Mendelian Corporation now bioengineers the world’s entire commercial supply of genetically modified seeds...."

Perez visits the Writers Institue tomorrow, Friday 10/8. Note room change for 4:15 event (Recital Hall, PAC). Evening event still in Page.

Also check out Hugo's July 2010 interview on the ITVS "Beyond the Box" blog in which he mentions that there is a feature length version of the film in the works.

And speaking of scifi, read Hugo's September 2010 interview with William Gibson, author of Neuromancer and the father of "Cyberpunk" fiction, here.