Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Women behind "The Woman Behind Little Women"

The American Library Association's Booklist magazine named Louisa May Alcott: The Woman Behind Little Women, the "Best Video of 2009." The film also took "Best Documentary" at the Reel Women Festival in Los Angeles.

Mary McNamara of the L. A. Times said, "[The] documentary gives life and texture to a woman of extraordinary talent and determination who became as great a celebrity in her day as J.K. Rowling is in ours.... More than that, the film captures the intellectual foment of the time, which, though revolutionary in many ways, did not extend to a woman becoming a novelist or essayist under her own name unless she was writing for children."

Harriet Reisen and Nancy Porter-- the women behind The Woman Behind Little Women-- will be making public presentations on Thursday, October 14th and Friday, October 15th (the latter will be a 3 hour long seminar on historical writing and filmmaking for general audiences, 9AM-12PM, entirely FREE and open to the public.